Dr. Mauro Bibancos

How’s a couple emotional state and fertility are related

Infertility may lead a couple to a high level of anxiety. Their age, how much time it’s been since their trying to get pregnant, the type of fertility disturb and even the Human Reproduction treatment itself may cause great emotional instability, which gives birth to stress, fear and anguish.

Considering all this, I see that many couples may feel an increased burden at each attempt, besides fearing negative things, such as making their family and friends nourish “false” expectations upon them, and feeling frustrated.

It’s worth noting that, from a biological point of view, a couple’s emotional state can cause troubles for pregnancy and to their whole treatment.

Anxiety excess may lead men to a lack of sexual desire, and women to a lack of menstruation (amenorrhea).

During an Assisted Reproduction process, the couple must have a proper psychological support so that they can develop trust and fully engage in the process.

Besides that, both men and women must support each other, practice relaxing activities and display a positive attitude, so that the process become pleasant.

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