Dr. Mauro Bibancos

Medical Treatments

Human Reproduction treatments can help couples that are having a hard time trying to have a baby (for whatever reasons) to get pregnant. That’s all thanks to the knowledge and technique that an expert doctor applies with these couples.

We still provide service to help preserve fertility even when patients are passing through a medical treatment (usually oncological) that may lead to a future infertility.

Our treatments range from the simplest processes, such as Timed Intercourse and Intrauterine Insemination, to the most complex ones, such as In Vitro Fertilization and Fertility Conservation treatments. All of them demand an extensive focused knowledge.

All treatment indications may have exceptions

Timed Intercourse

Timed intercourse is quite a simple treatment, which aims to stimulate a woman’s fertility by means of certain medicines. After this stimulation, the couple is going to need to restrict sexual intercourses to a proper window of time that will raise the chances of fertilizing…

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Intrauterine Insemination

It’s one of the assisted reproduction methods used in low complexity cases. It’s usually fast and painless. It is made inside the clinic, with no need of applying anesthesia. This method consists in placing sperms inside a woman’s womb using a proper catheter…

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Invitro Fertilization IVF – ICSI

The ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a sophisticated process, in which initially the woman start by ingesting ovulation stimulating medicines. Then the best egg cells and sperms are selected, so that we can bring them together in lab, still outside the female body…

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Invitro Fertilization - Egg Donation / Egg Reception

Egg donation is the process of donating egg cells from a healthy patient (egg donor) to another patient who just can’t get pregnant, due to troubles in ovulation or maybe because of a lack of egg cells. According to Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM)…

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Fertility Preservation

The techniques regarding fertility preservation offer the possibility of postponing the dream of having kids to a more appropriated time. Both men and women can have their genetic material preserved though a freezing process (cryopreservation). This is an additional technique to the Intrauterine Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization…

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Multi-parenting, that is, when a kid has more than just one father or one mother, can prove itself as a solution among the variety displayed by modern families. By means of Human Reproduction treatments, homosexual couples, and even a single person can achieve their goal of having kids.

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