Dr. Mauro Bibancos


What is it?

It is a delicate surgery, demanding much training and high skill level from the surgeon, once it presents a completely different way to work than that we learn when studying the basics of open surgeries. This procedure is done with general anesthesia, and held at a hospital, where the patient is kept some hours in advance. After the surgery, he may leave the hospital in that very same day.

After being extracted, the sperms are stored in an incubator until they can be used to fertilize egg cells (IVF), which usually happens in that same day.

This process success rate varies according to the type of testicle cells. They are Maturation Stop, Sertoli Cell Syndrome and hypospermatogenesis.

In case you decide to go for a microsurgery, do the most to find the best professional you can.

How is it done?

It is a delicate surgery, demanding much training and high skill level from the surgeon, once it presents a completely different way to work than that we learn when studying the basics of open surgeries. This procedure is done with general anesthesia, and held at a hospital, where the patient is kept some hours in advance. After the surgery, he may leave the hospital in that very same day.

After being extracted, the sperms are stored in an incubator until they can be used to fertilize egg cells (IVF), which usually happens in that same day.

This process success rate varies according to the type of testicle cells. They are Maturation Stop, Sertoli Cell Syndrome and hypospermatogenesis.

In case you decide to go for a microsurgery, do the most to find the best professional you can.

Whom should do it?

Micro-TESE is recommended to non-obstructive azoospermic men.

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