Dr. Mauro Bibancos

Invitro Fertilization

What is it?

The ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a sophisticated process, in which initially the woman start by ingesting ovulation stimulating medicines. Then the best egg cells and sperms are selected, so that we can bring them together in lab, still outside the female body. After a couple days, the egg cell is put inside the womb.

By selecting sperms using a microscope, it’s possible to separate genetic material in proper conditions for fertilization, therefore, surpassing problems related to sperm disturbs.

This method allows us to raise pregnancy rate among people with serious infertility conditions and also to decrease occurrences of multiple abortions.

Besides these treatments, it is also possible to treat men who lack sperm in ejaculation, and implement microscopic techniques in order to find tiny samples and then do the fertilization process.

Whom should do it?

The IVF – ICSI plays a useful role in severe cases. It’s more likely to be indicated in cases such as the following:

  • Multiple abortions
  • High sperm DNA fragmentation rate
  • When couples have a genetic disease history in family, such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy
  • When infertility has no clear cause
  • When other treatments, like artificial insemination and timed intercourse fail
  • Lacking sperm men
  • Men having sperm disturbs, such as low concentration of sperms, motility reduction and unappropriated morphology
  • Men that passed through a vasectomy or that are having another kind of sperm blocking, such as congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
  • When a damage, obstruction, or even an expansion (hydrosalpinks), occurs in a woman’s uterine tubes, including the ones caused by pelvic infections, pelvic surgeries and endometriosis.
  • Women that passed through a sterilization surgery
  • Women suffering with endometriosis
  • Women with a low stock of egg cells
  • Patients with a disturb in their set of chromosomes, including the mosaic-like ones

What’s the difference between IVF and ICSI?

Both the In vitro fertilization (IVF) and the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are among the most common treatments. Do you know what the difference between them is? The main difference has to do with the way that the sperm fertilizes the egg cell. In ICSI, the sperm is directly injected inside the egg. While in IVF, the egg and the sperm are put together in a Petri board so that they can make the fertilization by themselves.

In order for all that to be done, the couple must run the proper exams and pass through an evaluation.

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